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Otenticos is an exclusive online marketplace, where talented artisans and conscious consumers meet, buy and sell unique, authentic handmade products from around the globe.

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Cultural & Slow Fashion

Quality over Quantity! Support unique designers who preserve a pinch of their Cultural Heritage, Ethnic Arts, or have just created something special. We can be eco-conscious with a style.

Authentic Sellers

Personally approved & handpicked artists and creators are here to make sure of the genuineness and quality of each item you invest your money in.

Ethical Shopping

Everything we buy shapes our world for better or worse and by becoming more conscious fashion consumers we can help to save our planet. We believe in supporting each other therefore we donate 5% of our profit to organizations that are fighting to stop plastic pollution.

Shop by Categories

Buy directly from someone who put their heart and soul into making something special.

Gems of Ancient Crafts

Every week we hand-pick some of the best new handmade items from our collection. These beautiful creations are making our heads turn!

Start Selling on OTENTICOS

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Pay per Sell

We advertise your shop and you only pay when it’s sold. You just upload your products, (or we can import them via WP / Shopify) and you can leave the marketing to us.

More than a marketplace

Our aim is to build an eco-conscious society while still supporting the pure talent of emerging artists around the globe.

Friendly Support

We care about you! If you have any questions or need guidance, we are always here to answer!

Shops Worth Exploring

Check our awesome store owners and artisans.
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WAYU Mochila
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